God works in mysterious ways...
Here i am lamenting that for the past two days i ate too much, exercised none, and He just made a masterful move. I was shocked to realise i missed about 4 bus stops before i could alight at the 5th. I think it is about 2 km home and after shaking off the zee-stupor, i smiled and offered my thanks.
It was an opportunity for me to walk my way home and clock my exercise time. No choice since i had no EZ-link card and no coins anyway! The walk home also gave me some time to reflect and think of how i am going to restructure my finances to keep up to dream 11-11-11.
It also gave me a chance to gaze at the impending sunset at Pandan Reservoir... what a sight. Nice bluish-orange tinge to the batik-like patterned cumulus clouds. Reminds me of the colour of KTM, the brand of my ride! "Ready to Race!"
Anyway, we went for a swim today. Scorching hot sun and so many people burning themselves up charred rather than enjoy the cool dip in the pool. *Ponders why* Manage to keep up to the discovered method of gliding and i find that even though the stroke rate seems slow, speed is much faster than my normal free style at frantic pace. That's the beauty of economy and using the elements with you... I managed to up my continuous lap to 100m sets without breaking my momentum and i am also able to go 6 strokes before taking my breath now. Allows me to glide longer however i find it a teeny-bit uncomfortable having to hold out awhile without air and doing work. Think i'll stick with the 4-stroke. I was also able to practise abit of sighting just now.
After i bring my head up to breathe (i look behind and 'peep' in between the triangular window that my elbow creates), before i return into the water, i simply look in front. It is not as easy in open murky waters. In the pool, the water is somewhat crystal clear but in open water condition, you really need your head up above water to see. The art is to do that and yet not break your momentum. Plus, look for a landmark on land that is big, obvious and visible cause most of the time, you can just manage a glance at it before your head falls back into the water to continue your stroke. I still got about 3 weeks plus, got time to peak-up properly.
Kamie seems to be able to glide slightly longer now in the water too... doesn't really matter. :) Important thing is for her to get comfortable in water and soon she'll grasp the technique. Keep 'body sensing' and improving your techniques B. Give a target where you wanna reach before you stand up again. Soon, you'll complete one lap without stopping! You'll get it if you really desire it.
Like i said, God works in mysterious ways. Thank you for today... both of you.
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...