Adventure in Pulai..
God tends to answer my questions pretty fast. It took a leech for me to realise this.
There was once when i thought loudly to myself when we were planning the evacuation route for the Bkt Chini expedition, "Am i allergic to bee sting?" and Charles replied "You wouldn't really know until you are stung by one or if you go for a test.".....
5mins later....
A BEE STUNG ME!! And where was i?? Inside a room where the doors are closed and there are openings but high up on the wall, you know, those big wire mesh kind of opening.. Hahaha... the weirdest place to get stung maybe! I remember the throbbing pulsation on my left middle ringer and i remember plucking the stinger out* and watching the bee die eventually.
Today, when we were trekking up to the waterfall at Pulai, i sort of asked aloud whether anyone thinks leeches exist here and all the way, we say no leeches and felt none. UNTIL we were heading back to our bikes and i felt a slight bite on my right ankle. There, was a puny leech curled up and biting me from both it's butt and it's head (whichever they are!). Just ONE! Hahaha... and we were on the road! It may have gotten to me as we trekked thought the trails i guess. But hey, it made me realise that yeah, God answers my questions pretty fast ey! Hahaha...
I can't think of any other examples now. Just fascinated with these happenings as i was peeling off the dried crusts of coagulated blood which flowed out excessively and freely from the bite mark left by by Mr. Lee C.H.
Anyway, Pulai was adventurously fun! Fazli tagged along with Llewell and I and we rode up to the ex-Pulai Resort which apparently closed down due to a few incidences on drowning and landslides. Morbid. Met up at 1000hrs at BBDC. We didn't exactly know the way but Llewlell had this description which he printed from Google and we had to trust it. The distance given were spot on but the description was suspect. We arrived at the foot of the mountain at around 1130hrs and left our bikes at the "PAKING" lot. (Spelling error taken from source)
*(The books say not to pluck out stingers with fingers as you will pump the 'venom' in...but we treid the recommended method of flicking it out with a card and it doesn't work!! So what the hell... just pluck it out i guess and i did.)
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...