Off track, no regrets... for now.
Met up with the girlfriend to walk through MacRitchie's tree-top trail. Lovely trail with beautiful refreshing sights. I notice the water stream seems to have more fishes in it now too! A sign that wild life is booming? I notice the trails make a good running spot too, so next time i think i should try running there. A good 8km run with plenty of undulating surface and twisty-turns. Lovely!
The maternal family also took this chance to come together and have one of the biggest dinner-outside ever. We had it at Simpang Bedok and practically the entire row of tables and more belonged to our family alone. From the aunties and uncles to the little children, even the nephew and nieces. It gets bigger every year with one more still in the production line! Due date for delivery InsyaAllah (god willing) is March. It's definitely nice when most of the family members get together and bond. I got to apologise to the Chinese first for hijacking their holiday and using it to our advantage. For our family who resides in Malaysia, it was their first time setting eyes on Maya Zafirah, my youngest niece and probably the chubbiest! I pray that we stick close and tight to one another. Hopefully, a family corporation can emerge out of this and we become (as the cuzzins always dreamt) to be like some Lee Foundation or some big organisation thingy where each of us specializes in one field of work. Lets home dreams do come true.
Today, i realise also that one should make the effort to maintain friendship with old friends too. Fazli asked me to join the old NUS Silat guys outing (the retired and the veterans, hahaha...). The agenda? LAN gaming... I was quite reluctant initially as firstly, i don't really like computer games and secondly, i just felt like slacking home.
However, it felt good meeting up with old friends and for once, not reminiscing old days of school and silat and gossiping. LAN Gaming was a great way to work together without breaking a sweat and it was a hell lot of fun! I still suck at computer games though but strategising and working together in the virtual world IS fun. What more, the game of monopoly (the deck of cards version... quite a new one i believe) after that at Arab St. You can't ask more from companionship of like minded people. No regrets making effort to stay up at all.
Anyway, this CNY is also a bad break from my resolution. These two days that i kept my eyes off the ball saw me eating more than i needed and i felt bad being bloated! It was a classic case of "it's ok, i'll finish up...", committing to more than i can give. It's ok though as later, the gf has planned for a swim! Yayyy...
Remember Zola, "Chill, relax, breathe and glide..."
I wanna watch Percy Jackson too... Hahaha...
OK! Back to focus... resolute on my resolutions. Go go go...
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...