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Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

VFF 1st run!

My calves are still aching from the previous nudefoot run… ouwww….

Today morning, I managed to squeeze in a 15min run in the middle of work in my VFFs. To be honest, it felt quite different from a real barefoot run. You still feel protected from the natural elements and to a certain extent, it still masks the sensation of impact.

The VFFs are ablt to allow you feet to operate barefooted still though. Your toes can spread is allowed room to flex very well. It’s a great alternative to nudefoot runs though. Admittingly, nudefooted runs cause some degree of blistering and cuts so these VFFs are in a way, protecting it and at the same time, allowing for the benefits of barefoot running.

But have some time running really nude footed as it really forces a good running technique. What else can you ask? You run wrong, PAIN!