Inspired for a Night Trail run..
One of his students left behind a bag at one of the rest-huts which was around 2-3km away from base camp. So we figured, why not? Commit, grab a head torch each and off we went around 5.15am in the morning.
I found it exhilarating to run in the dark. Each and everyone of your senses were heightened. Every bird that was awaken and flew away, every owl that hooted, every fruit that dropped, every puddle and overhanging roots kept us alert.
I managed to test my KSO Trek VFFs on the trails and i must admit, it performed wonderfully. In my last review, i reported that the sole-protection was quite protective that it masked the feeling of complete nudity. However, on the trails, you naturally convert to a shorter, quicker forefoot stride. You spend lesser time absorbing impacts and i seem to feel more stable. The heels seldom impact the ground and i was literally on my toes. Traction was good as we went over some wet and loose rocks and soil. My calves really had a workout and i dun really feel pain on the sides of my knee so far as of yet.
It was quite a great run and i hope to be able to continue this and at the same time, grow the number of night trail runners amongst my group of friends. (Since we are really lucky to literally live and work in an island!)
Anyway, here's a good pictorial on barefoot running benefits. I got it off Barefoot Ted's site..
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...