My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

Nude Footed Run

I just did my 1st barefoot run since i was a kid. It was just 10mins but i think its a good start. I tried to go over as many surfaces as i could, grass, tar, concrete, brick-tiled and gravel... and yeah, 10mins was enough for this morning to get used to nude-feet runnin'. I will try to go for another short 10min later at night after sufficient rest is given for these two 8.5s. (Now i'm starting to feel blisters forming at the inner-side of the balls of my feet...Hahaha!)

Anyway, it was quite refreshing to be able to feel what you are running on and adjust accordingly. I tried to employ Ch'i running that i have been practising since i read the book last year and also something called POSE method which i recently explored. It's quite similar (these two methods) in a way that it advocates going for economy as well as injury prevention. And also in a way, it's science. It reasons that by using these methods, your body run at a neutral posture hence nothing is 'twisted' in a sense.

If i was to refer to what i learnt from Economics, allocative efficiency, for something to gain, something must lose. So, in a sense, Ch'i Running and POSE tries to get runners to get into a natural, neutral gait so one part of your muscle or tendon is not overly stressed whilst another is not being employed. I think thats how running injuries usually happen (besides accidents!).

Plus, barefoot running has recently been researched and endorsed as it presents many benefits. Somehow, people start to realise that all the technology being put behind running shoes are just masking the effect of poor running technique. Barefoot running improves form. Most runners tend to land hard on the heels way too much with trainer running shoes. Being barefoot forces you to land softer, and more with your whole foot to absorb the impact. Because of this, your form will automatically adjust. 

Anyway, lets hope this is long-term and not just a hot-hot chicken shit thing that often happens to me once i lose the fire.

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...

**Picture taken from