The thrill of doing it again and again...
Check out the drybag i'm carrying! That was unpreparedness.. hahaha. The event required us to bring hydration packs, hp, powergels and all... i came with.... NONE!
Luckily i had my 1.5l nalgene in my bike and my hp. The drybag was contributed by Syed who had it in his bike. Hairi on the other hand, had to use his helmet bag to contain his 500ml nalgene and stuffs. So, i can attest, we WERE the weirdest ppl there! Lots of runners came up to us surprised at our bags... coming up with names like "Ali baba" but cheering us on at the same time. However, you can also sense the slight sarcasm with the words such as, "If you make it to the finish line, i salute you ah!" Actually all that didn't matter.. Hairi and I nearly gave up at the 30km mark anyway. We were so adamant that once there is a bus stop, we will head back to MacRitchie. We took a 20min break, stretched and ate and stocked up on bananas and 100plus.
However, something funny happened at the 35km mark. We recalled our commitment run at the end of both our 21 day courses. It was 15km and we had to commit ourselves to completing it after an arduous 20 days before that. So, we decided to shelve our plans to give up and go all 'Tenacity in Pursuit'. That became the theme for our last 15km. It was past cut off time at the last 10km station but we convinced the marshalls to let us continue and promised them that we will make the final 5km mark within time. They gladfully let us go and walkied the finishing line to inform them about us (safety i guess) and we kept running.
Cramps set in my calves. And as i attempted to stretch my calves, my shin muscles started cramping up to! So no choice, we powerwalked! Fast marched all we can till the cramp wore off and continued running again till the cramps set in again... we did it all the way till we could hear and smell the finish line. That was when, surprisingly, all cramps disappeared and we began smiling and running to the end! (Funny how that happened. Could feelings and attitude have a result in preventing and allaying cramps??) Familiar faces were there, people who passed us and talked to us, uncles who cheered us on and people who laughed at us... All there congratulating us... and there, the gifted us our very meaningful and unique NF100 finishers medal. We were 20mins before the final cut-off time..
The sense of elation and achievement was there. I declared never to run in this event again but somehow deep in my heart, i knew i might be lying. We tend to say that all the time like "I will never do this again!" or "Why the hell am i doing this??", "I swear this will be the last time!" BUT...every year you subject yourself to it again. You can't deny the feeling of wanting to complete the event again. You can't deny loving the adrenaline and atmosphere. You can't deny the friendship that happens during the course of the event... all that and more.
And so, that's why this year, i plan to line myself up for an event every two month. Event, recover, prepare, event. And the cycle goes on and on....
One day, i wish i can do a mixed team event with my Mimi... someday.
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...
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