We went for the AVventura race brief today at SAFRA Yishun. We got our goody bags and there were quite good freebies inside. First notable one is the event shirt which i personally feel was nicely designed and quite a good quality. It's a Salomons shirt and it reminded me of Boca Juniors home jerseys. The feel is soft and light its a slight v-neck. Well done on this department!

2nd notable item in the race pack was the Official Event Buff (above). Adds one more buff to my collection. Its quite a kiddish design but looks cool. Plus point that it's BLUE! One of my all time favourite colour. =)
And yah, buffs may be the in-thing and all amongst people but for our occupation, it IS actually something useful and even important as we use it to shield ourselves from the sweltering sun. It helps that by wearing this, you dun really need to slap on dollops of sunblock on your skin which is sometimes sticky or oily... =\
After the race brief, Team Fatboys went shopping! Race is in a weeks' time and there are a few critical items we have yet to procure. Number one on the list is a hydration bag. We were naive enough to think that a small and slim hydration pack is sufficient for the race, so we actually zoomed in on the Nathans at Running Lab earlier on. However, suddenly it dawned upon us, with the amount of team items and personal items we needed to carry...one question popped up..
"Where the hell do we put in these stuffs?!"
So we decided to consult adventure race veterans amongst our colleagues. And with their advice, we decided that we needed a bag, light and compact BUT have enough space to squeeze in items such as harnesses and carabiners, bicycle toolkit and medical pouch and some food. It also has to have pockets at the shoulder strap so we can access things like our powergels. Plus point, if its' shoulder straps were mesh so it's light and cooling. So we headed to queensway after having scoured Velocity the week before to no avail. And we saw this!
Apparently its a ski-pack but FB and me somewhat fell in love with its' design at first sight! Central main zipper that provides easy access to items and easy stuffin' in. Shoulder straps were mesh and there were plenty of pockets on it. The mesh waist straps also has a zippered pocket on each side. Apparently, this product has been continued. Hmmm... anyway, it doesn't come with a hydration bladder so we had to buy a separate 2l bladder. Altogether... should cost 109 + 59 = 168. But we haggled on till the auntie happily-with-hesitation brought it down to 140. Expensive BUT should last a long time. I can use it for riding too! Hehehe...
Other things we purchased today was powergels which we got from Uncle Chan's store. We got it at a discount and it was quite an experience being in his store. Firstly, here was was this uncle in his 60s, who was so friendly and all, giving you advise and telling us his experiences and suddenly we saw finishers' certificates being displayed. He, at this age still clocks a 4hr timing for marathon and a 3hr timing for a triathlon... wadda!! And what are we doing?! Hahaha... He told us that he envieed us and wished he could reverse time to be young again... but my reply to him was, i would wish to be like you when im at your age! As we wished goodbye, the fascinating thing was the words "See you at the Singapore Biathlons!" being exchanged by a 26 yr old man and a 60 plus one.
Well, i wished to die healthy.
I've never really told many people that i always had this feeling i'd die young. I dunno why. But i should start living as though each day were last and at least not die from ill health or due to some freaky accident.. eeeeee...
I love you B.
I'm ready to race!