My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

KSO Treks Arrived!

My KSO Treks arrived today in a small carton. I was so excited when i arrived home to see the brown box on the computer table. It would only mean one thing since that was the only thing i ordered that was somewhat that size!

It was exhilarating enough just to peel off the clear tape binding the box together. Upon opening it, it reveals another box inside which clearly shows the picture of a Vibram Fivefinger shoe. I went "YESSAH!" under my muted breath and immediately took it out and inspected it.

The smell was good. Fresh leather and it felt surprisingly light. I would love for it to be even lighter though! The glue on the edges of the rubber sole looks slightly slipshod though if i were critical as you could see some residue on the leather part of the edges. I took the crumpled paper out of the shoe and put it on my right foot first. It wasn't exactly intuitive for my toes to slip in. I had to fiddle my way through for about 5 secs before i am finally able to rest all my 5 toes in the pockets. Then i put on the left side... Took a walk around in my room first. Based on the laminate flooring my room had, the vibram soles were sticky, so sticky it made a squeaking sound whenever i stepped off the floor!

I'm gonna take it out for a test run tomorrow and see the results!

So far, i've been trying to run barefoot for about short intervals whilst doing standby. However, i had to be discreet as we advocate to pax to have footwear on all the time! What an irony.. Hahaha. Been drilling myself in-to the POSE method and incorporating it with my Ch'i running. Not much of a difference though but Ch'i running made me realise that running is my way of meditation. Whenever i run, when i get into 'the' ZONE... i tunnel in and somewhat lose track of time, space, tire-ness and my mind is clear. But i'm still not able to maintain that state too long yet.. cause whenever i reach a traffic light, i had to start all over again!

I'm also currently reading "Born to Run" which FB lent me. It proved a good read so far..kind of sucks you in especially now that i am at the race part between the Tanahumaras and Annie.. It also subtly reveals how the native tribesman of Mexico runs. It's like a fictional instructional based on a true story.. Hahaha...

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...