My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

KUA Number 8?

Kua Number Eight People

Kua Number Eight Quick Facts

Your Element: Small Earth
Your Colors: Yellow and Beige
Your Group: West
Your Trigram: Ken the energy of dependability, steadfastness and stillness.
Your Power Objects: Stones and Crystals, especially earth-colored stones that are in soft colors like beige, pale yellow, and soft tan.
Your Best Time of Day: Early Morning
Energized Body Parts: Hands and Fingers

Overall Description (no need for this to be an exact match):
Kua number eight earth people are softer than the kua number two (hard, mountain) earth people and are considered nurturers. You are born to be a down-to-earth and practical person thus making you very reliable to friends and a partner. Being supportive and having a good nature, you are able to get along with everyone. You may prefer to do things with your hands, rather than using your mind.

Your trigram signifies stillness, waiting and solitude. It is also associated with the youngest son, it's element is earth and its best direction is northeast.
People born in this year benefit from the wisdom and experiences of those before them. This affords them greater opportunity for reflection and they can express this knowledge through their own more thoughtful approach. These individuals are very self-reliant.

How Kua Number Eight Earth People are Compatible With Other Kua Element People

* EARTH: Able to get along well without any complication.

* METAL: Likely to be compatible as mates, siblings, friends or business partners but may occasionally lock horns.

* WATER: You are likely to be controlling of a water person. To be harmonious, do try to give in sometimes.

* WOOD: Wood element tends to control & dominate earth element. It will be best to avoid each other, otherwise learn to be tolerant of each other.

* FIRE: Likely to be allies and this person is your biggest fan. There is no problem with understanding each other.