My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

Feng Shui?

I was having a chat with Gek Fong whilst on the SP and we fell upon this topic of energy and feng shui.

Well, in short, she totally believes in it and has many encounters to back it up with. Whereas me, i am a firm believer of energy. That energy is all around us in some form or another and being a Pri-Sec physics junkie, i also believe that energy is not lost, not created and it can be harnessed from one form to another. This is in complement to my belief of my religion and that HE is the creator of it all.

So back to this topic with Gek Fong, she believes that one has a lucky colour and so on.. so i went on to do a bit of digging and mugging and these were a few results. Of course, this is linked to my 2010 resolutions!!

So dear vZOj, based on the KUA calculator i got from this link..

Your KUA number is8

Element:    Small earth

Color:   Yellow, Beige

Group:        West


How to Tap Your Auspicious Directions

  • Try to sleep, eat, work, or be in this sector of your home
  • Do as many activities as possible in this sector
  • Face this direction when working, eating, or sitting in your living room
  • Sleep with the top of your head pointed in this direction
  • Enter your home or office from a door that faces these direction

Your Wealth & Success Direction:Southwest

Enhance this direction with stones, candles, bright lights, vases, crystal, or porcelain.  You may also use lights, candles, or lamps.  Add objects in groups of eight, such as eight bright lights.  Red colors are also extremely beneficial.  This direction helps boost your prominence and stature, so do be sure to face this direction as much as possible -- particularly at work.  Decorate in colors of beige, yellow, taupe or in red, orange, or purple.

Do everything you can to use this direction to promote your wealth and success!  Mountain images like those below are perfect for placing on the wealth and success wall of your home or office because they symbolize the "big earth" element.

Aahhhh.... i see. I shall do more reading on this and see where it leads me to.

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...