My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

Bands of Steel

Why are we both happy and contented?

Cause finally, after a year of waiting and 2 years plus of just looking... We finally have our couple ring!

I recall those moments when Kamie was using her own ring on her finger.. not that she was hinting to me (i think!)..

I also recall those moments when we would walk past jewellery shops (those cheaper ones of course! occasionally those big ones too...) and look at the rings... and in my heart, i would ask myself.. "Can i afford this now? And..if i can afford it, will i need the money for something more impt that myt come up soon?"

It was always these questions that bubbled out of my mind..

Needing the money for school stuffs, food for both of us.. and of course the occassional spending which seems more impt than that band around the finger..

However, now that i have a salary... I felt it important to finally buy us a set of ring. And that beam on her face when i told her my idea felt so warm, the cold aircon blowing above my cropped-hair head felt like sea breeze.

After a whole half-day of searching... (for a while it was stressful!) We finally 'chanced' upon a pair that we both loved.. i wouldn't say it was a compromise on both side but it was one that was shaped from understanding and coupling of our likes and dislikes.

She loves pretty stuffs... Flowery, details, stylish = HER.
ME? I like it strong, bold and plain simple.

Through the shops we browsed through.. some she like but i don't and there is one i liked very much but she doesn't... Chancing upon this one when we had already given up the search an hour plus before was somewhat amusing!

We were already going.."AAAHHH.. let's just buy shoes and shirts and all! Forget the ring!"

Sounds familiar?

I think most of us had gone through this once or twice over in our life.. Try so hard and the thing you yearn keeps slipping from your hands.. Let it free, and it comes to you.

Baby.. i know you love your ring. I love mine too.. Happy 29th and a day! Keep lovin..

As far as how my life has been so far..

I have done my first observation! It was a CCAB group of students from 3 diff schools. They are student leaders from different organisations. My mentor, Ahmad gave me great exposure even though it was supposed to be just an observation. Amongst my batch mates, i got to try most! I was thankful for that... The thing abt the organisation that i love is that they cater to your learning styles. For me, they noticed i was a kinesthetic-learner so they exposed me to larning through trying and hands-on approach. It is truly an education institute in that sense... I love it. Experiential learning.. Where have i been?! Why is school called 'school' all these years.. After being here, i see school as factories! Anyone agree??

I'm slightly nervous in light of my 1st co-instruct on the final week of January cause we will have to run the course 100% (of course under supervision of a case we screw up! Haaha...insyaAllah i wun.) A lot of prep to be done since its our first attempt so it's best if we go through the entire process rather than leave things to free-play.

Well, let me introduce you to my batch mates..

They are (from left) Nic, Murali, Saidah and Jas.

Each of us has our own strengths in terms of character and specialization and that makes us unique. As a batch, i would say we are very strong. It also seems that we are the most 'happening'! So far..
Nic, 24, i can say, is the best in Safety and First Aid stuffs. He can memorise and state so many things.. our reference in these issues. He was once from 4 SIR too! One batch after me..

Murali, 29, our livewire. Our lawyer.. can smoke out of most situations. Previously a Chief Aircrew in Airforce. He is probably our best runner and he can hold converstations well. From ISP, i observed, his strengths appear best in team games and problem solving. I can say, he is our best strategist.

Saidah aka May, also 29, is our sensitive side. An MOE teacher previously, she values welfare a lot especially to the students. She is also our Casper as she can strike up conversations with practically anyone! Very structured person. Was in NPCC and was even an OC!

Jas, 31, former Special Ed teacher is our dragon-boat lady. An activist by nature, she is physically very strong. A hardworker and a mother of one. She is also a tidbit lover... she supplies us with most of our tidbits.. Hehehe...

He's Charles... he's 34. Father of 3.. and in my opinion.. a great guy! Previously a legal 'drug' pusher and swimming coach/ lifeguard. Full of sense of humour, serious and dedicated in his work, passionate and not one to be passive. My role model in some apects... clicked with him right from the start.

My batch mates are what made work lively and fun.. The work in itself is fun but they made it even more FUN. It's like a family.

I can say...i am very fortunate that almost everywhere i've been, i am able to find or forge family-like bonds with people and work just seem to be such a nice place...

Alhamdulillah... plus, we get to learn from people like him! He was the one who reached the top of Everest from the 1st Singapore team.. and he's our training head. Very patient and understanding. Very observant as well.. plus, poker-faced joker. Our shifu..Edwin.

Well... im halfway in my first journey, the training phase. Soon, i'll be off to Malaysia for Staff training. Will be back on the 19th i guess... See ya if i see ya.

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...