My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

Finding my zero vector point...

3rd week of training passed..

During the 2nd week, we went through a day of abseiling part 1 and then 4 days of fun-packed days of Wilderness Medical First Responder Levels 1 and 2. It was mentally and physically challenging as we were cramped with theories and principles of medical issues and first aid. The fun thing however was the simulations that w had go go through after the day ends.. These simulations include participants falling from height, fractures during horse-plays and the best still was doing CPR on a moving speed-boat!!

During the 3rd week, we went through abseiling proficiency 1 and 2 as well as sports climbing levels 1 and 2. It was the first time im doing these activities but it was damn fun ah to do height activities! The feeling of climbing up right to the top and touching the top mark with my lactic-filled forearms and butt i as exhilarating as it gets.. Making use of all these usually under-used muscles also results in funny occurences such as Involuntary Muscle Spasms and Rib Cramps(got such things?)

(photo from

At certain points of time during a difficult climb... I felt like wanting to just give up and fall back but a few things stopped me. First and foremost, my desire and ego to want to reach the top. Second, to fight this 'giving up' devil in me.. and Third, to hear the sounds of the cheers coming from under me.. Hahaha...

I learnt plenty of things from those days of climbing..

1. Momentum... use it to our advantage. When you make use of momentum that was built-up along the way, you need much lesser energy than you'd need if you were to keep stopping along the way and hence, rely upon brute force!

2. Realise anatomical disadvantages and use it to discover new strengths... Being vertically challenged, i cannot just stretch out and reach for the handholds like my 1.92m tall colleague could! Hahaha... so i had to make use of my legs more than my hands. Finding good footholds were more important for me than stretching for that 'Thank God' hold high above.

3. Grace. They dun call sports climbing the 'Vertical Dancefloor' for nothing... hahaha. I still need to develop grace!

4. Good friends. Blessings of God. They're there to support you.. They sound off to you and help you point out stuffs you don't see (especially when ur flat against the the air up there IS different..) and they hold on tight to your rope lest you fall unexpectedly or expectedly... with this kind of support, you won't fear falling cause you know there will always be people to hold you up.

Then, there was IPPT and dragon boat competition yesterday... thought it would be fun just to do something i havn't done before. Anyway, it seems Bobby enjoyed it last time... so maybe, just give it a try. Having lactic build-up in your arms dun really help in this... Hahaha.. but 300m was manageable. Dunno how much time we clocked but who the hell cares! Hahaha... i still think its a bull-sport anyway. Hahaha.. below are the team mates who either willingly sacrificed their weekend (or coerced into sacrificing their weekend)..

The pics abit not clear cause maybe the photographer was focusing on the clearest subject of photography... ME! and.... the photographer is none other than the lady on blue tudung below! Hahaa.. She finally felt how Nad feels when she went down to support Bobby alone at Regattas..

Thank you baby...

Oh yah, for the IPPT. I got Gold again finally after the disappointing Silver 3mths ago. My timing? 9min 35sec! Even faster than two years ago! Waaahh... ran too hard la. I was actually aiming for 9min 50 something cause being Cat Y now..i needed to go under 10mins rather than under 9:45... i think kiasu-ism might have kicked in somewhere along the way.

You might be asking why i needed to clear IPPT so early.. My CO laa... i need to get deferment for the Staff Training in Malaysia from the 10th to 20th of Dec (which coincides with my annual ICT). However, he is the type who is "Dun bother talking to me until you clear your IPPT for the open window".. So he rejected my first application citing me to clear my IPPT first before bothering to apply. Hahaha... haiz. Just re-sent my application again just now.

And before i forget...guess what i ate that day? A quad-stacker burger from BK! Mak-di-kao!!! Besar siol....4 slices of BK-quality patties, 4 slices of cheese, turkey bacons and the 'unique' stacker sauce.. Yum yum... Finally, a burger that allowed me to 'taste' meat before my 3rd bite... Hahaha.. it was quite a stretch for my mouth.. bt at $10.95 for the set-meal, it was quite ex... thankfully i dun need to spend on food on work days..

Next week, will be my 1st observation. I hav to tag along with a senior instructor for a 5 day camp and basically ...observe. That's why they call it an observation ryyyt?! But we're encouraged to try getting our hands dirty on things we're comfortable on trying out. Then, we have to transit to assist in a 'mission' on Friday till Sunday... so, i'll be gone till Sunday basically.

Will miss u baby..

On a hindsight... During the week, i was reflecting. So far, time in this company has passed very fast for me. Very very fast and i am really enjoying myself in this training phase. However, i also realise that though time may be passing very fast for me, it may be passing too slowly for the people waiting. People like my nenek and Kamie...

As of now, i am still working out in balancing the many things around me and managing the changes. Doing my best to find the point of balance where everything works well and nothing is compromised. So far i have kickstarted a long awaited project... Ops HHF if any of you remembered! Hahaha...

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Enlighten us.. Help us become successful people in the world and after...


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