My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

Back into Inoue..

Jiwang moments call for the one that lets the moment speak or itself... My 6 string friend..

Yeah i missed fringering and stroking it...
Plucking and pickin of each and every taut string...
I prefer it downtuned one flat note...
Strings become slinkier that way...
Te bends, they bend at will...
The notes, they become more bearable...
Plus, they dun pull on the bridge too much...
Jimi does it, so does Slash...
Well, thats the only thing i have in common with them...

Jiwang jiwang...
Moments like this...
I miss so many things.
I miss my atuk, my childhood, my parents, my friends..
I miss her too..
Carefree moments where time seems to be abundant.
Passionate moments where creativity just sparks so easily.
Tears that well up from joy and laughter.
Jokes that were laughed at even though it wasnt intended.
I miss my hair...
Being the Iban.
I miss my clear eyes..
When i have no glasses to fog up or break.
I miss those days where i was more aggressive..
Where i never lost out in competitions.
I miss those days of innocence..
where i really do not understand the vulgarities spewed out..
nor the innuendos issued.
Now..i just pretend i don't.

It's been frustrating within. Fighting my inner wills. If i lose, i become someone i hate but feel close to..if i win, i become something i like but no one im akin to. What makes Everest seem so difficult? Is it the steepness? The cold? The lack of oxygen? The weight being carried on the shoulders? Or is it just because of the belief that it is the highest peak on Earth above sea level? Psychologically, outcomes of battles are decided and would i like to lose or want to win?

Strumming is so therapeutic..

Strum hard to release anger and pick smooth to put you at ease..
If you're'll lullaby you to sleep.

Do i even remember my dreams now that im half awake?

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...