21 days + 1 week on..
I used to think games are a waste of time... but now i know it is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate situations and environments. WOOOAH... a real eye opener.
We also dabbled abit on debriefs and follow-ups.... but that will be covered more during soft skills session.
Plus, this week itself, i met 2 of my frens in the campus... Hafihz (who is now with MUIS i found out..) and Anita (who is now with HDB). It was nice to be able to meet people there... of all places! Hahahaha...
Anyway, i think i managed to catch up on what i needed to catch up upon after coming back from my 21 day camp. It was a fulfilling experience and a course that allowed for self-reflection... i feel lighter (mentally and physically!) after the camp. Met up with my family and baby..(actually i was picked up by my sisters and kamie that day i came back and hoisted to yishun where the rest of the bigger family is waiting for me.. and kamie came along to yishun too!) Hahahaha...thanx baby for arranging the 'kidnap'... then went back to my nenek's that night itself.. it's she i'm most worried about but the highlight for me is finding out kamie went on her own accord to visit my nenek on one of the days when i was on course... the even better highlight was when kamie was leaving, nenek kissed her on the cheeks like how nenek always kissed me before i leave the house... (sign of acceptance?) Awwwwwww.....
Thanks baby...
Then, i met up with my Rainbow family too... on Friday.. Missed that office and its' people... Glad to find out that the fun of working still exists there! Then i went out to accompany Pipin and Lynna to wait for their parents.. in which i got a lift back home. Hahaha...
Till then...
There are many that i still can catch up on...
So far the job has been real fun.. and i hope i can only get more fun. There are things i need to learn to balance (difficult-ly) and there are aims i need to achieve.
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...