My Resolutions

*Improve my Vital Stats
*Rediscover Him
*Improve Relations
*Be Meticulous
*Communicate Well
*Be a great Motivator-Mentor

Next Upcoming Race...

Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run



That was what Kamie and I felt to be invited and welcomed to Pozack's home just now. That was the first time either of us had ever stepped into her flat. Awwwww... (khalawats biler lagik nak raya??) Since only both of us can make it...just the two of us went to the house Pozack closed for us openly. Hahaha... no one except her grandmother was at home so we conveniently made ourselves at home.

Watching Animal Planet and ZeeTV... we ate Lontong and Kueh-mueh raya. You got to try the choc chip cookies baked by Pozack's sis... darn delight! Devilicious... Kamie has got to learn the recipe!

Of course there's the camwhoring sessions.... All three of us trying to synchronise the camera timers to snap at different times. The result??

  1. Forgot which camera snaps in which order..

  2. Thinking the camera had snapped... so one of us would move, at which the camera then snaps. (you understand!)

  3. Thinking the timer function was selected, then someone presses snap... but NO. Timer function not selected and you end up snapping urself.

Shot from center..

Shot from the side..

We somewhat expored her place... and Pozack showed us her room proudly. PURPLE! I likkkeee... hahaha... AND the gals camwhored on the bed. Yummmmyy.. HAHAHA.. reminds me of the topic we were on before that. *censored*

And i spotted this!! (she'll kill me if she knew that im putting this up! Hahahaha...)

Pozack's baby photo!!

This meet-up was also Pozack's way of meeting up before i leave for my very long first day of work tomorrow morning. Wish me luck all... Will be back on the 2nd of Nov.

Mama-ku.. take care. *Hugggss* Spend your time wisely. I love you.

Lynna, Pozack.. help me keep Kamie entertained and busy. Plus you each have your own issues. Take care, keep positive, clear your minds.

Ain, Gejah... take care of nenek and mom and dad. Kamie..pls kindly assist. :)

Fazli... Happy 24th birthday! Make the most of your time left in Sweden. Finish what you'v set out to do there and come back.. Dun leave any regrets there. Dun bring it back either.

May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...