2nd Race complete!
I just did my second attempt on my Singapore Biathlon this morning and it went great! Even after 3 weeks of hiatus from exercise. Alhamdulillah... Based on my own watch which i started right after the airhorn,
Total Time: 1hr 36min approx
So that makes my run about 96-39 = 57mins
Which makes me damn happy especially for the swim lap! I shaved about 10mins of my previous timing!! So the Ch'i swimming i practised worked damn well... hehehe. It was damn tempting though to power and flutter hard when i want to punch forward but i kept reminding myself the race is still long and i have to keep my head.
This year too, as contrast to last year, when i wasn't as confident in swimming, i ran to the sea and swam freestyle right from the start and pushing forward to the faster part of the pack. I wasn't afraid to jostle for space and to fight in between bodies. I didn't use my legs much except for my two-beat kicks and was able to practise sighting techniques which FB shared with me.
The run was relatively easy and smooth. It was lucky the weather was more forgiving compared to the other days these weeks. It was quite shady and there were trees to shade the way. There was even mist-fans along the way when there was no shade!
When i reached the end, there was a few colleagues waiting to cheer me on at the back..I feel good!
And there was it.... 2nd finishers' medal of the year down! Well done Fazli too! I think this year has been a down year for both of us in terms of fitness but we made it.... we'll torture ourselves again next year. Hahahaha....
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...