A day i did pretty much a bit of everything...
I swam, i camwhored, i gobbled and i spent time with people...
Woke up late today since it wasn't a work day and it's not that often that i can wake up later than the sun. Well, i woke up at around 10am. That's 4 hours past my routine wakie timing. I actually did wake up at 6 but decided to plonk down on the floor again after a brief pee at the loo...

Had lunch at home, the first in a long while on a weekday. Then i went to pick the gf from her
workplace.. I kinda got lost there.. anyway.. what do you make out from this message "
after you come out from blk 7, go right to where the circular building is." Is it the same as, "
after you come out from blk 7, turn right, you will see a circular building, go there." This is what confused me! (Hahaha... sorry my beloved Teacher Kamie, not picking a bickerin' here... just want to disturb you! Love you too!)
Anyway, we went for a swim and FB and Charles popped along. Charles brought his family along and man his 3 boys were adorable! You should see how those tots come to you and with the 'rockers sign' exclaiming "WASSUPP!!" Hahaha... It's remarkable how comfortable they are in water too despite their tender age. What do you expect when both their parents were swimming coaches.
When the gf was done with her swim, i continued my laps and this guy actually came up to me and said "Hey, you're doing two beat kicks too!". He said he had just warmed himself up into Total Immersion swimming through YouTube and is grappling with it. I think he introduced himself as Saiful and works at the Boy's Home nearby. It's amazing how people can just come up to you and talk to you... i wonder how they pick up the courage to do so cause i would never muster enough balls to start a conversation with a stranger! Let alone talking to one in the pool...

Total Immersion was also a concept introduced to me by Charles in late 2008. As an avid swimmer and a swimming coach, he underwent TI training. To simply explain TI, it is like Ch'i Swimming.. To squeeze maximum economy out of every force exerted. My fascination with this Ch'i-style lead me to practise economy in motion for practically any sport i indulge in. Running, climbing and swimming. I got to admit, i'm not good at it yet. But i conciously apply Body Sensing, a concept i learnt form the book Ch'i Running by Danny Dreyer. Body Sensing requires for one to be aware and analyse every body motion and work done by each sinew of muscle. By doing this, you get to feel whether that particular muscle is doing too much and another doing too little. Allowing them to do so would risk straining or even injuries. This works on the premise that each body is created by God to be uniquely perfect and as KTM says, "Race Ready".
I love the idea that 'God has a plan for us' and that He made us each unique and perfect to live out our destinies. We just have to discover our strengths and make full use of each window of opportunities that is open at any moment in time.

After swimming, the gf and i went to have
egg tarts and
chendol...both traditional delicacies. I cut my hair too! Brings me back to the last time i did this hairdo, ermmmm 2006? For AUG.. Hahaha. My head felt light instantly! I can feel the cool breeze blowing right through the
bristles! Then off we went home till we spotted the sun going down while passing through Mandai Rd... so i decided to take the Seletar Reservoir path and we stopped to admire the sunset for a while, a SHORT while! That's the thing with everything... when you dun enjoy things, time takes too long to pass by but when you are enjoying, time passes by in an instance. We could literally see the sun go down... too fast too quick! We managed to camwhore though...
*Hearts* the sunset...
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...