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Newton Run

10 October 2010


30km run

FAT! What is it?

I have been pondering over this for awhile and decided to do some research on this topic. FAT! Hopefully, understanding this guy here will bring better efficiency in burning it off.. Like Sun Tzi said;

"Know thyself know thy enemies, A thousand battles a thousand victories."
- Sun Tzi 

This curiosity began when i looked at the results of my weekly checks, apparently the results are classified under 2 categories of fat; Visceral and Sub-Cutaneous.

Based on my very basic research, it dawned upon me that these two kinds of fats differ in both intensity and kind.

Visceral fats (VF) are fats surrounding the vital organs and buried deep within the muscles (hardly noticeable), usually in the abdominal region whereas Subcutaneous fats (SCF) are found right underneath the skin (very noticeable). It is easy to spot the SCF as these are the flabs on your arms, the double chins and their relatives. VFs however are hard to spot as it is reported that even people with healthy BMI can have high levels of VFs! Apparently, VFs are harmful as the liver breaks it down into cholesterol. Bad cholesterol or LDLs will circulate in the bloodstream and harden around the walls of the arteries, causing it to get narrowed down. This is turn may most probably result in cardiovascular issues. It is also reported that high levels of VFs can cause resistance to insulin which leads to diabetes and other metabolic syndromes.Sounds scary!

These are scary facts man. To top it off, do you know that based on research done, it is discovered that VFs are mainly saturated fats and are hellishly difficult to burn off and yet so easy to form again?! Sounds like the situation i'm in now...

Anyway, this reminds me of the test i took at my workplace a year ago which indicates that i have high Triglyceride Levels. Upon my research, i discovered many sources citing high TGL as an indicator for increased risk of diabetes. This coupled with a family history of diabetes puts me as a time-bomb for diabetes! Arrrrghh!!! chill... I got to honestly realise that i am potentially on the road to an unhealthy life. Blame it on genetics?

Now (taken off;

  1. Did you know… That two people can have the same height and weight, but very different percentages of body fat?

  2. Did you know… That as we age, we tend to gain fat around our organs (“visceral fat”) that can’t be detected by measuring “skin folds” or even with a scale? 

  3. Did you know… That chances are that if you are losing weight, you will lose muscle as well as fat?

I didn't....
So, how much bodyfat is good? This is based on World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health recommendations, and takes age into account. Please do not confuse these numbers with the BMI (Body Mass Index) scores, which are not the same thing.
Age-Adusted Body Fat Percentage Recommendations
AgeUnderweightHealthy RangeOverweightObese
20-40 yrsUnder 21%21-33%33-39%Over 39%
41-60 yrsUnder 23%23-35%35-40%Over 40%
61-79 yrsUnder 24%24-36%36-42%Over 42%
AgeUnderweightHealthy RangeOverweightObese
20-40 yrsUnder 8%8-19%19-25%Over 25%
41-60 yrsUnder 11%11-22%22-27%Over 27%
61-79 yrsUnder 13%13-25%25-30%Over 30%
Source: Gallagher et al. Am J Clin Nut 2000; 72:694-701

So based on the above table, i should be aiming for 8% overall body fat percentage. Kind of an uphill considering that i am at 19.3% at the present moment.

However, it's kind of irritating that none of the sources i went to described how much visceral fat percentage is optimal for the body so i figured, maybe i should aim for 3%. Not too low and not a significant number at all to be considered high.

At least we now understand what the two categories of fat are. How to overcome it? Healthy diet and consistent exercise as quoted by ALL sources. At least 30min of aerobic exercise within 60-70 hbpm, 6 times a week! That should reduce VFs significantly over the long run. Your weight might not go down but we now know that we shouldn't just fret on weight but what's important is the VF level...

"Insurance is expensive but necessary. However, the cheapest and best form of insurance is good health. Invest on good health with time. Like all investment guru says...always start young. If you're not young? Start immediately then!"
- vzoj