Aptly used in this case... EUREKA!
I think i found my sweet spot to glide in water. I think i discovered my economy in swimming the front crawl. I think i did my Ch'i swimming!!
How did it happen?
I believe it occurred during the 16th lap. Each lap, i was 'body sensing'... trying to find maximum glide with every stroke. I stretched out far with my hands, careful not to cross the imaginary line running through my body. I tensioned my core, believing that it will 'straighten' up my posture and i flapped hard with my feet, keeping to the two beat kicks. And yes! I pulled hard underwater... and breathed hard.
Result? I got tired and winded up... fast.
Somehow, i always believe in this quote..
"When you're tired and you can't give up, your body will naturally find economy in motion."
- vzojSo at around the 16th lap, i decided to relax. Chill. Breathe slower. And let my hands 'glide' into the water rather than slam in it. And my legs? I tried to keep it together especially at my knees and flap with my feet only. I keep my body relaxed but straight from head to toe, streamlining it even when i flapped out with my feet and pull with my arms. To keep it streamlined even as i pull and flap, i have to slightly rotate my body left and right rather than keep it flat against water.
My breathing? I sucked in hard and swallowed the air right into my stomach or diaphragm and let the air out slowly and naturally through the nose. As a result, i am able to comfortable do 4 strokes before i breathe again as compared to 2 strokes. The advantage of doing 4 strokes is that i am now able to glide better and longer before i break the momentum slightly to breathe.
The next step is to practise sighting. The art of how to aim while swimming in open waters. This will be useful for the upcoming Biathlons as i realise, doing frontcrawls in sea water is easy BUT going straight especially when you see nothing much in the murky waters in difficult.
Will update on this soon.
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...