Bad Week, Good progress.
Albeit that, i manage to chalk up training time especially for my climbing, swimming and also the 2nd dawn trail run.

But with Hairi's persuasion and encouragement, i decided since i paid for it, in a way, i am committing myself to being good at it. If not, it would have been a complete waste of half a grand! So the commitment is, every week if we're on course, we will climb and we will climb lead! No top rope unless he says we do. For those who are new to this, top-roping is the normal climbing we do with belaying rope already run through the anchor on top. Hence, you are belayed from the 'top'. With lead climbing, you go up to fix the belay rope onto the anchor. The belay line is attached to you but the temporary anchors along the way (every 1m or so) is fixed by you yourself. These two-sided snaplinks are called runners. It gives the illusion and also sometimes the reality of falling from height IF you are not able to clip in the belay rope to the runner as you climb up.
As of now, i am trying my best to apply efficiency to climbing; Ch'i Climbing i call it!
This week also saw me clock my second VFF run on trail at dawn, 5am in the morning at my private island sanctuary. FB finally managed to join me and he quipped that it was a real refreshing run. He immediately felt fresher after the run and felt that on trails, he naturally went fore-foot running even in his Salomons perhaps due to the uneven surface. One has to be prepared for anything; loose rocks, roots, branches and birds even especially since visibility is restricted to only a metre ahead under the canopy! He felt, he would continue joining me and encouraged me to carry on getting more and more people to join in the fun. As of now, people get turned off by the meeting time of 5am, they'd prefer to have more sleep. But i am sure once they feel the benefit of a cool morning run, they'd join more often! I think i shall form a group Ubin@5! Hahaha...or maybe Dawn Trailblazers? Name not that important... most importantly, it must be a routine and sustained effort.
Its about slightly more than 5 weeks before the biathlon too and this time, i want to clear the swim leg with freestyle more than 90% of the time within 40mins this time. Last year, my timing was approx 55mins due to slowing down to find space and also doing frogstyle about 65% of the time (by approximate feeling). Hahaha...
Anyway, the bad week should end soon. Meeting the girl for ice-cream and a run. Thanks love for always trying to cheer me up when i'm down! Love you..
May Allah guide us all..bless us with happiness and health n protect us from the dangers of this world, physically or mentally. Help us become successful people in the world and after...